The Pulpit and the Ballot Box: A Free Public Forum at Seton Hill U. 4/2
The panel for this event will include Father Rick Kosisko, JCL, Canon lawyer, pastor at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton parish, N. Huntingdon, Pa.; Dr. Michael Cary, Seton Hill professor of political science and history; and Dr. Christopher McMahon, assistant professor of theology, Saint Vincent College. Father Stephen Honeygosky, OSB, PhD, Seton Hill assistant professor of English will serve as moderator for the panel.
Issues discussed by the panel will include: Should there be a difference between living one’s faith and voting one’s conscience? How much may a leader of a congregation do legally to endorse a candidate or influence a vote? How can a cleric remain true to his or her responsibilities as a guardian of the faith, and adhere to guidelines to inform, not dictate?
The JoAnne Boyle World Affairs Forum was named by the University faculty and is dedicated to Seton Hill University President JoAnne Boyle, who consistently encourages every member of the academic community to be an informed global citizen. The forum series brings speakers and artists to Westmoreland County to address global issues. For more information about the forum or the panel, please e-mail